Why Obesity needs to be cured—It is a Silent Killer

Why Obesity needs to be cured—It is a Silent Killer

For All Mr. X who have waist circumference more than 40 inches and for All Ms. Y who have waist circumference more than 35 inches…..
For all those who are overweight
For all those who are Hypertensive with high Blood Pressure

You need to do drastic changes in your lifestyle which includes changes in diet habits, exercises and relaxation methods. You need to bring the situation in control and get away from the risk of drastic health disaster. 
reference https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/facts.htm

I can guide you to make yourself fit and healthy without medications. In fact you may need to reduce the doses of your current medications for hypertension or for controlling cholesterol or lipid levels in your blood. You may not even need to take any medications for your hypertension or for higher cholesterol.

you may call me on 908 524 1841 for fixing an appointment.

Posted on: April 28, 2018admin