For all Diabetic People – Management of Diabetes without drugs or injections!

For all Diabetic People – Management of Diabetes without drugs or injections!

Conventionally blood glucose levels are managed by taking drugs or injections of insulin. But what if I tell you that you can manage blood glucose levels by proper diet, life style management, and stress relieving techniques?

Conventional treatments for diabetes help to lower blood glucose levels.

But what if you don’t allow high blood glucose levels to develop in the first place? When you do not have high glucose levels, you will not need these anti diabetic drugs at all, you may need to reduce their doses or may be able to completely stop them, thus avoiding the side effects of these drugs.

Diabetes is caused due to inability of your body to use and finish blood sugar. Excess sugar gets deposited as fat. During its metabolism, free radicles are produced which cause inflammation in the body tissues which cause further damages in body. For ex. Inflammation of inner lining of blood vessels will damage the inner lining. Cholesterol patch is created over the inner lining to protect it.  When you take cholesterol lowering drugs, you are leaving your blood vessels unprotected. You need to address the basic cause of inflammation for keeping your blood vessels safe. If inflammation continues, the cholesterol layers up and the clot is formed which reduces the diameter of blood vessels leading to complete blockage. This leads to Stroke or Heart Attack.

Similarly, other body organs are also affected badly due to inflammations. And thus, we see multiple other complication coming up along with diabetes (for ex. retinal macular damage and retinal detachment leading to progressive blindness, brain cell damage leading to dementia and Parkinson, renal damage leading to high levels of urea and creatinine in body and need for dialysis). Practically every organ in the body is badly affected.

I can guide you to treat the root cause of diabetes, thus you can cut down on your antidiabetic and anti-cholesterol drugs.  When you correct the root cause, you start feeling healthy younger and energetic. And instead of taking medicines to MANAGE diabetes, I can help you CURE it.

I am Dr. Jay (M.D.), and with my medical knowledge, I wish to help others break free from their dependence on pharmaceutical drugs for their maladies. I have practiced medicine for over 23 years using these Holistic techniques (even though I am a western-medicine trained physician), and I have seen incredible success among my patients.

If you feel this appeals to you, please contact me on 609 481 8814 for fixing an appointment with me. I do online or in-person consultations.

Posted on: April 30, 2018admin